09 February 2010

LOLITA No. 18 Karate No Sensei 1995

Way back in about 1997 Lolita No. 18 came to Pensacola on a weekday evening. Sluggo's was not busy that night. The band's van broke down in New Orleans and they rode to Pensacola in the tow truck's cab. They played an awesome show, it's just a shame that not many people were there to see it. After the show we tried to talk with them but none of them spoke English. I did buy a shirt and got them to sign it. I still have the shirt.


  1. Lolita No 18 is my favorite Asian band of all time, and currently ranks among my top 10 favorite bands ever. These girls may be better known for humorous cover songs and helium-induced vocals than anything else, but deep behind the act lies an extremely talented and impressive band. I simply can't get enough of them, and honestly wish I had a shirt as well.

    This group is worth learning Japanese for.

  2. I saw them, too back in the 90ies during their europe tour. It's good to read, that i am not the only one who enjoyed them, despite only few people approched their concerts. I don't know if it somehow is, because western audience does not have access to the asian scene, what in my opinion is a shame, because there is so much stuff worth to give a listen to. Plus Lolita 18 for example are super nice folks. After i bought a t-shirt and tourposter i ask them for an autograph on the poster and they also drew me some really cute figures on it.

  3. I post something about theses girls on my blog...



  4. I just found this and happy to read it. Thanks!
