19 March 2010

CRISPIN HELLION GLOVER Big Problem Does Not Equal the Solution. The Solution = Let It Be 1993

I still to this day do not understand why I sold this CD. Life is full of regrets. I can no longer study ratcatching.
Anecdote: as a lowly indy record store clerk/wage slave, I was forced to delve into the world of practical jokes to relieve the inherent boredom of dealing with record store groupies day after day. One particularly challenging afternoon, I procured a used Pearl Jam "Vs." tape and at the end of side 1 added Glover's song "Automanipulator" to the tracks. The tape was sold and no one came back to complain that there was a song on their cassette of Pearl Jam about masturbation. Good times they were. Yes, they were.