16 July 2010

BO BUD GREENE Whatever 1995

Bo Bud Greene played many a show here and every show was as good as the last. Their first show was under the name Paint which they later changed to Bo Bud Greene. I'm going to try to see if I still have the Paint tapes available. BBG also released a few 7 inch records. I remember one of the last shows they played here, we all went out to their van parked on the street by the club and smoked a joint. And as I am bringing the joint to my lips, a cop car drives by. Perfect. Didn't harsh my mellow though. The show went on.
One of the guitarists, Sean Mullens, got to jam with Bob Mould too. Pretty cool.


  1. Hola, me encanta esta banda es realmente genial, tengo uno de sus discos original y los demás no lo encuentro para comprarlo, justo tengo el Whatever, tendrás un link donde pueda descargar los otros 3 discos? Saludos y muy buen Blog , saludos de Latinoamerica Chile.

  2. http://www.load.to/Uaugj2EQ6k/bo_bud_greene_-_whatever.rar
