02 May 2012

MILK Succeeding Receeding 1994

Thanks to Erik for the up!


by Nitsuh Abebe
Succeeding/Receding chugs through its mildly forceful indie-rock structures with a surprising level of appeal; there's the occasional turn to bombast ("Moping,") but this is more of a constructive slant than simply an attempt to rock out. The album finds its center in ringing but off-center guitar constructions, with bass humming hookily beneath and a slightly spacy approach highlighting some of the more melodic tracks. This makes for a somehow very entertaining release -- a nearly great record for the indie-rock crowd.


  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?b51csotj0mcsc8d

  2. This is very good, I had never heard of them before. Thanks for all your work.

  3. http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/VutWaL1L/file.html
