22 September 2013

THE ELASTIC PUREJOY self titled 1994


Not a flattering review, but check them out. Opinions vary.

Elastic Purejoy Review

by Nitsuh Abebe

The Elastic Purejoy seem to suffer from a severe Sebadoh complex -- they cross back and forth between noisy, turgid rock songs and tuneful pop songs. They cover "Soul and Fire." There is an occasional hook. But much of this record is too unformed to make an impression -- the occasional hook is never followed up on, and there's too much clutter underlying the record as a whole. A band like Sebadoh can get away with gross inconsistency in their songwriting because when the songwriting works, it's spectacular -- the good parts of The Elastic Purejoy, on the other hand, aren't quite good enough to atone for the remainder.



  1. If Samuel Beckett Met Lenny Bruce
  2. Soul And Fire
  3. Unchain My Sister!
  4. An Element of Doubt
  5. Stiff
  6. Suburban Yoke
  7. Caxton Vs The Fourth Estate
Monkey Bone-Walker
  9. You Are My PFM
10. Witness

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