02 November 2014

MARRY ME JANE self titled 1996

by request

Review by

In the same musical vein as Boston's Til' Tuesday, Marry Me Jane's self-titled album carries a similar rock punch in a few places, but fails to exhibit any staying power. Their alternative-meets-mainstream formula has lead singer Amanda Kravat fairing quite well in the vocal category, but the bands material comes up short as far as originality and lyrical substance is concerned. "Twenty One" received some minor airplay to introduce the album, and is by far the catchiest track, and efforts like "Misunderstood" and "Who's Leaving Who" emit a faint glimmer of appeal. The group's attempt at trying to manufacture love songs, like "Secretly Waiting" or "You Didn't Kiss Me," is too transparent to instill any genuine honesty. On the whole, the album remains in the clutches of commonplace radio rock, which is why Marry Me Jane's life span was so immensely brief. 


1 TwentyOne
2 Misunderstood
3 Bad Loser
4 You Didn't Kiss Me
5 Tabitha
6 Athena
7 Ordinary
8 Who's Leaving Who
9 Candy
10 Positive
11 Secretly Waiting
12 Ashes & Stone
13 Lousy Lullaby

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