18 October 2018

ULTRA CINDY The Mermaid's Parade 1994


AllMusic Review by

Borrow Peter Hook and his sonorous, brooding basslines from Joy Division and New Order, and occasional blasts of Kitchens of Distinction's Julian Swales' netherworlds guitar, add William Russell and Josh Kraemer's harmonies that sound like a cross between Ride's Andy Bell/Mark Gardener circa Nowhere, and the first LP-era Fudge (like Ultra Cindy, a Richmond band), and a nod or two to Chapterhouse ("Hoyt" shares a few chords with "Breather"), and you get a band that might be the nice U.S. equivalent of Blind Mr. Jones (sometimes the guitars even sound like strings). Everything is sighing, and lightly languid; like Breathless, they tend toward the gentler, more melancholy side of the ethereal guitar brigade. Perhaps this foursome should display more fangs and gritted teeth, and let it rip more often (only "Crinoline," buried at track eight, does this here). And as all these references suggest, right now they sound like (fortunately several) other (good) people. But that aside, Mermaid's Parade is a rather pleasant starting point, worth giving a shot. 

1 Hoyt 4:06
2 Fever Pitch 2:47
3 18 Stories Down 4:57
4 Eusebio 4:08
5 Starblazers 4:13
6 Neat 3:34
7 Red Nails 4:21
8 Crinoline 6:16
9 Near Perfect 4:44
10 Dean Henry 7:04

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